Cow Gives And Gives And Gives
In Life And Death, Cow Is A Symbol Of Selfless Service
And now the question: why is cow considered sacred in India? Why is cow given a special place among all living beings. These chapters will address this point.
Who Is The Greatest Giver On Planet Today?
Do we ever pause to ask a question as to who is the greatest giver on planet earth today? What do we see on every table? In every country of the world, breakfast, lunch and dinner? Whether for vegetarians or non-vegetarians, civilized or uncivilized. It is the cow.
The generous cow gives milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, butter and ice cream. Can we imagine life without these valuable products. To the ungrateful meat eaters, she offers sirloin, ribs, rump, quarterround, porterhouse, beef stew and bones for soup broths. She gives us leather belt, leather seats, leather coats and shoes, hats and purses, you name it. The cow is the most prominent giving animal in the world today and has been so through the centuries and millenniums.
Humanity owes a debt to this gentle creature for her selfless service through the ages. Whether living or dead, cow symbolizes selfless service.
Everything that a cow produces including urine, stool, and every inch of her body, is meant for the good of the world. Any sane man will be appalled by the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of cows every day. To any sane man, it just does not make sense. Such a useful creature is being killed for her flesh. It is like taking an expensive car and demolishing it for its scrap value. We value our machines, but can any machine produce milk from a little grass?
Therefore in Vedic civilization, cow was referred to as ‘aghnya’--that which may not be killed under any circumstances. Cow, Bos indicus, is most valuable animal and it is called the ‘mother of all’.
Cow Gives And Gives And Gives
In Life And Death, Cow Is A Symbol Of Selfless Service
And now the question: why is cow considered sacred in India? Why is cow given a special place among all living beings. These chapters will address this point.
Who Is The Greatest Giver On Planet Today?
Do we ever pause to ask a question as to who is the greatest giver on planet earth today? What do we see on every table? In every country of the world, breakfast, lunch and dinner? Whether for vegetarians or non-vegetarians, civilized or uncivilized. It is the cow.
The generous cow gives milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, butter and ice cream. Can we imagine life without these valuable products. To the ungrateful meat eaters, she offers sirloin, ribs, rump, quarterround, porterhouse, beef stew and bones for soup broths. She gives us leather belt, leather seats, leather coats and shoes, hats and purses, you name it. The cow is the most prominent giving animal in the world today and has been so through the centuries and millenniums.
Humanity owes a debt to this gentle creature for her selfless service through the ages. Whether living or dead, cow symbolizes selfless service.
Everything that a cow produces including urine, stool, and every inch of her body, is meant for the good of the world. Any sane man will be appalled by the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of cows every day. To any sane man, it just does not make sense. Such a useful creature is being killed for her flesh. It is like taking an expensive car and demolishing it for its scrap value. We value our machines, but can any machine produce milk from a little grass?
Therefore in Vedic civilization, cow was referred to as ‘aghnya’--that which may not be killed under any circumstances. Cow, Bos indicus, is most valuable animal and it is called the ‘mother of all’.
Useful When Alive, Useful When Dead
In traditional cultures like India, there is a social class called cobblers. They survive by taking away the dead animals, especially cows. Other animals, they do not care. They are taken by the vultures and others. But when a cow dies, they come and pick it up. A dead cow is as important as an alive one. In India, saying goes for an elephant, “dead or alive, it is worth a hundred thousand rupees.” The reason is its ivory bones. Same holds good for the cow. A dead cow offers her flesh, skin, hooves, horns and bones. Every inch of hers is of great utility. Skin is turned into many leather products. Hooves, horns and bones become valuable organic manure.
Before the foreign invasions, cow protection was considered to be a prime governmental duty in India. Kings personally looked after the welfare of the cows. Srimad Bhagavatam speaks of King Prsadhra who would stand all night with a sword to protect cows from wild animals and thieves. Such was his concern for the cows. From these examples we can understand the importance of cow protection. In the very same India today, the government is promoting slaughterhouses for beef consumption and export. How can there be peace and prosperity in the country?
Cow - The Lifeline of Civilizations
Allama Iqbal, a 19th century scholar once remarked, “Ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt and Rome have all disappeared from this world, but the elements of Indian civilization still continue. Although world-events have been inimical to it for centuries, there is something in Indian civilization which has enabled it to withstand these onslaughts.” Similarly Gandhi described European civilization as a 'nine day wonder" while praising Indian civilization to be founded on a solid footing.
It is a fact that many civilizations have come and gone but the vedic civilization continues, at least in traces, even today. India has survived the onslaught of centuries of invasion and colonization. The culture still lives on, even thriving in some pockets.
What is the reason for sustainability of Indian culture? How come the vedic tradition has survived the test of time? One important reason was their ability to live in harmony with the laws of nature and God. And an important part of that balancing act was interweaving every aspect of their existence with cows and bulls.
Living with cows is living on nature’s incomes without depleting its capital resources. Modern civilization is utilizing nature’s capital resources. These resources like petroleum were accumulated by nature over millions of years, but we have squandered them in just 150 years. How long this reckless lifestyle will go on? In Vedic tradition, cow provided all the necessities of human society. Society reciprocated her services by protecting, serving and adoring her. Bull was regarded as a symbol of religion and also a father because he produced grains by ploughing the fields. Now we have tractors and other agricultural machinery but once the oil runs out, we will have to seek out bulls again (if any left by the time). Of course, over 50% agricultural land in the world is still cultivated with the help of bulls.
Today, in heavily Hindu nations like India and Nepal, cows continue to hold a central place in religious rituals. And in honor of their exalted status, cows roam free. Indeed, it is considered auspicious to give one a snack, a bit of bread, or fruit before breakfast. On the other hand, a citizen can be sent to jail for killing or injuring a cow.
Happy Cows Give More
Cows, Like Us, Want To Be Called By Name!
According to researchers at Newcastle University, happy cows produce more milk, and calling cows by personal names makes them happier.
A study by the university’s School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, involving 516 farmers across the UK, found that cows that are named and treated with a “more personal touch” can increase milk yields by up to 500 pints a year. The study, published in the journal Anthrozoos, found farmers who named their cows gained a higher yield than those who did not give their cattle names. Dairy farmer Dennis Gibb, who co-owns Eachwick Red House Farm outside Newcastle, said he believed treating every cow as an individual was “vitally important”.
Own Personality
Farmer Dennis Gibb says “They aren’t just our livelihood, they’re part of the family. We love our cows here at Eachwick and every one of them has a name. Collectively we refer to them as ‘our ladies’ but we know every one of them and each one has her own personality.” Dr. Catherine Douglas, who led the research, says: “What our study shows is what many good, caring farmers have long since believed. Our data suggests that, on the whole, UK dairy farmers regard their cows as intelligent beings capable of experiencing a range of emotions. Placing more importance on knowing the individual animals and calling them by name can, at no extra cost to the farmer, also significantly increase milk production.”
Cow Dung And Urine - Supremely Valuable Products
In traditional Vedic culture, cow was mainly reared for her manure and urine, not for milk. Milk was only a byproduct. Cow dung and urine were an indispensable part of daily life. Entire agriculture, energy and health requirements depended on these.
These contentions hold good only for the traditional breeds of Asia and Africa and not for the modern breeds of the Western world which have been selectively bred and modified over the years.
Cow Dung
Traditional Indian life is intimately associated with cow dung which is put to multiple uses. Cow dung is used as a fertilizer, fuel, in tile making, housing, religious rituals, medicine and as a cleaning agent.
Cow dung is accepted as purified and antiseptic. A person can keep stacks of cow dung and it will not create a bad odor. In Calcutta, Dr. Lal Mohan Gosal, a prominent scientist in early 20th century, conducted extensive research on cow dung and proved it to contain all antiseptic properties.
Therefore cow dung, according to Vedic injunctions, practical experience and scientific research, is considered pure. No vedic purificatory ritual is complete without cow dung and cow urine. It is a common practice in rural India even today, to smear cow dung all over the floor and house walls. Practically it makes the atmosphere very refreshing and wards off flies and insects. From time immemorial, Indians have the practice of mopping clay floors with cow dung and sprinkling diluted cow dung at the house entrance. This was to sanitize the entrance and repel harmful microbes. In religious ceremonies, utensils were rinsed with water and cow dung solution. Indians always believed that cow dung has antimicrobial effect and cow urine works as a purifier. Textiles especially the new ones were treated with the ashes of cow dung before they were worn for the first time. In Ayurveda, cow dung dried and burned into ashes is used as a toothpowder and it is considered to be highly antiseptic. Even today, millions are using this toothpowder in India and its popularity is growing.
Some people may find it puzzling because any excreta is foul but Vedas recommend cow dung as a purifier. Vedic authority is considered infallible and perfect. Vedic instructions have been accepted for thousands of years without any research. Accepting vedic authority is like a child accepting food from parents, believing they will never feed him something harmful. The child accepts in good faith, without any reason or analysis. When we visit a restaurant, we accept the supplied food without any laboratory tests. We accept the food in good faith and also because the restaurant is licensed. Without faith, we can not move an inch in life. While boarding a plane, we have to have faith that airline has enough fuel to fly all the way and all equipments have been checked. We board an aircraft and place our lives in the hands of the airline without verifying anything personally. Of course, faith in Vedic injunctions is not blind but is verifiable by personal experience and observation.
It's just like with people. There's always an exchange of feelings. Since the cow is a person too, when we become friendly toward them, each cow responds personally. That's how cows are -- the more affectionate you are to them, the more affectionate they are to you. They give more milk and are happier.“
~ Ganendra dasa
Vedas declare that ‘gomaye vasate laksmi’, goddess of prosperity resides in cow dung. Indeed at one time when cows outnumbered people, India was the richest nation in the world.
Cow ghee (clarified butter), when poured on burning cow dung cakes, produces copious amounts of oxygen and purifies the air. Studies have proven this and it has been suggested as a tool to fight air pollution.
On 4th May 1985, a news was published in India’s national daily, The Hindu, in connection with Bhopal gas tragedy. The news was titled ‘Vedic way to beat pollution’.
On the fateful night of December 3, 1984, poisonous MIC gas leaked from Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, killing thousands and sickening many more. There were, however two families, Sohan Lal Khushwaha and M.L. Rathore, who lived in the worst affected area but came out unscathed. Later enquiries revealed that both the families were regularly performing yajna or fire sacrifice with cow dung and butter. No casualties were reported from any of the families despite living in the worst hit area.
Therefore cow dung is never considered to be feces but a great purifier. It produces best quality of grains, fruits, and vegetables when used in fields.
Cow ghee (clarified butter), when poured on burning cow dung cakes, produces copious amounts of oxygen and purifies the air. Studies have proven this and it has been suggested as a tool to fight air pollution.
On 4th May 1985, a news was published in India’s national daily, The Hindu, in connection with Bhopal gas tragedy. The news was titled ‘Vedic way to beat pollution’.
On the fateful night of December 3, 1984, poisonous MIC gas leaked from Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, killing thousands and sickening many more. There were, however two families, Sohan Lal Khushwaha and M.L. Rathore, who lived in the worst affected area but came out unscathed. Later enquiries revealed that both the families were regularly performing yajna or fire sacrifice with cow dung and butter. No casualties were reported from any of the families despite living in the worst hit area.
Therefore cow dung is never considered to be feces but a great purifier. It produces best quality of grains, fruits, and vegetables when used in fields.
Knowledge was there. Just like five millions of years ago there was no scientist, analytical laboratory. But the Vedic knowledge is that cow dung is pure. Now you analyze at the present moment scientifically you’ll find yes, it is pure. So wherefrom this knowledge came? There is no need of scientist if this knowledge was there. That is Vedic knowledge. |
Cow Urine
In traditional Indian medicine, cow is considered to be a mobile dispensary and a treasure house of medicines. Cow is regarded as divine source of good health, not only physical but also mental, intellectual and spiritual. Cow urine is an important ingredient in panchagavya, five products from cow - milk, curd, butter, urine and dung.
The cow urine is capable of curing several diseases, even ones considered incurable. Atharva veda and other classic texts like Charak samhita, Rajni ghuntu, Amritasagar, Bhavprakash, Sushrut samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha etc. extol glories of cow urine as a panacea and elixir. Ayurveda has elaborate information on its medicinal use classified under Mootravarga. In India gomutra is used by rural population as folklore remedy in almost all the states. Cow urine is said to have qualities of, in technical terms, katu, tikta, kashaya rasa, ushna-veerya (potency) kshra, laghu and deepana prabhava.
Proponents of urine therapy quote sources to indicate that cow urine was not only used in India, but in many parts of the globe. Roman emperors and several European physicians in the 18th Century, as well as the Chinese traditional healers are said to have used not only cow urine but human urine as well.
Today, thousands of patients in India and other places are receiving treatment for diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, AIDS, piles, prostrate, arthritis, migraine, thyroid, ulcer, acidity, constipation, gynecological problems, ear and nose problems, along with many others. Cow urine works like a magic potion.
Cow urine has been found to contains nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, sodium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, melci, citric, titric, succenic, calcium salts, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, hormones, gold acids and host of other ingredients which are vital for human health.
Cow urine also contains beneficial volatile salts because these salts destroy acidity; furthermore urine, a natural tonic, eliminates giddiness, tension in nerves, lazy feeling, paralysis, common cold, diseases of brain, nerves, joints and leucorrhea. Cow urine contains copper which works wonders inside our body and removes toxicity.
Cow urine is an excellent pesticide for crops. Also cleaning phenol and mosquito coils are manufactured from it.
Elixir of Life - Cases of Cow Urine Cure
Today, thousands of well-documented cases testify to the miraculous effects of cow urine on human health.
Thousands of cancer patients who lost hope of life and were turned down by modern medicine are leading a healthy and happy life. These cases have been charted for reference by qualified doctors.
There was this patient with highly elevated levels of sugar (400-500), surviving on insulin. After the treatment, there was no necessity to take insulin. In the same way AIDS, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, blood pressure, heart disease, prostrate, piles etc. are also being cured with cow urine.
We can cite many cases of cow urine cure. One Mr. Premchand Rathore was suffering from asthma and isnophilia and used to have severe palpitations and cough. He is perfectly normal now. Mrs. Sharda Jalani was having varicose veins and dysmenorrhea. Whenever she tried to stand up, nerves would swell and cause pain. She was advised surgery for both the problems. But she went for cow urine therapy and is now leading a perfectly normal life. Omprakash Paul suffered a heart attack, he had high levels of cholesterol and chest pain. After taking cow urine therapy he is walking up to four kilometers, chest pain is gone and cholesterol levels are normal. Chandmal Gurjar suffered with cancer of the food pipe four years back, he could not take liquids also. Now he is able to eat and drink properly, he is healthy and working in the fields. There are thousands of people who have recovered from serious diseases after resorting to cow urine cure.
Krishna is giving very importance, cow-keeping, tending the cows. Personally. Personally taking, protect cows. He is stealing butter, showing us that "These things should be stolen. If you have no money, then you steal and eat." (laughter) You see? These things are eatables. You see. Produce huge quantity of milk, and make so many preparation out of it, and become happy. This is the instruction Krsna is giving. Otherwise what Krsna business, He has got to do some such business? No. He is teaching us. Even the urine in cow is valuable. Stool of cow is valuable. Krsna in His..., while He is crawling on the yard, He captures the tail of a calf and he drags him, and he is smeared with all stools and urine of the cows. Krsna enjoys. He is showing that even the stool and urine of cow is valuable, what to speak of its milk. Cow is so important. |
Today many AIDS patients are taking cow urine therapy. People who were suffering with migraine and headache for the past 15 years have recovered within six months of the treatment. Whether it is a question of relieving tension or improving the memory power, cow urine seems to be the answer.
One Ms. Sushma Khurana had thyroid complaint. Before treatment her T3 level was 4, T4 was 15, TSH was 0.2. After six months of this treatment, T4 was 9.97, TSH was 1.35 and today she is free from all symptoms. Cow urine has also proven to be a sure cure in cases of eczema, ringworm, itching and other skin problems. Old eczema patients have especially gained from this therapy. Teenage girls can achieve freedom from the menace of pimples and acne.
Panchagavya was traditionally given as the first thing to a woman after she delivers a baby as a recuperative tonic.
For further information on cow urine treatment, Govigyan Anusandhan Kendra in Nagpur, India can be contacted. They are doing pioneering research in this field. Cow urine is available as urine distillate (gomuthra ark), pills (ghanavati) and in various other forms.
Cow Urine Patents
THE U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) grants thousands of patents every week, and yet, the U.S. Patent, 6410059, titled "Pharmaceutical Compositions containing Cow urine Distillate and An Antibiotic" issued to S.P.S. Kanuja and 13 others and assigned to the Council of Scientific And Industrial Research (CSIR), attracted global attention. The Minister For Science And Technology, Government of India, at a Press Conference, said the U.S. Patent made him realize that all traditional practices from Indian systems of medicine have a strong scientific base.
Recently cow urine was granted patent in China for protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages. The patent no. is 100475221.
Cow urine distillate in a specific amount is scientifically proven to enhance the antimicrobial effects of antibiotic and antifungal agents. US patent no. 6410059 was granted to Indian scientists for the invention on June 25, 2002.
The invention relates to a novel use of cow urine as an activity enhancer and availability facilitator for bioactive molecules, including anti-infective agents. The invention has direct implication in drastically reducing the dosage of antibiotics, drugs and anti-infective agents while increasing the efficiency of absorption of bioactive molecules. This will reduce the cost of treatment and also the side-effects due to toxicity.
One Ms. Sushma Khurana had thyroid complaint. Before treatment her T3 level was 4, T4 was 15, TSH was 0.2. After six months of this treatment, T4 was 9.97, TSH was 1.35 and today she is free from all symptoms. Cow urine has also proven to be a sure cure in cases of eczema, ringworm, itching and other skin problems. Old eczema patients have especially gained from this therapy. Teenage girls can achieve freedom from the menace of pimples and acne.
Panchagavya was traditionally given as the first thing to a woman after she delivers a baby as a recuperative tonic.
For further information on cow urine treatment, Govigyan Anusandhan Kendra in Nagpur, India can be contacted. They are doing pioneering research in this field. Cow urine is available as urine distillate (gomuthra ark), pills (ghanavati) and in various other forms.
Cow Urine Patents
THE U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) grants thousands of patents every week, and yet, the U.S. Patent, 6410059, titled "Pharmaceutical Compositions containing Cow urine Distillate and An Antibiotic" issued to S.P.S. Kanuja and 13 others and assigned to the Council of Scientific And Industrial Research (CSIR), attracted global attention. The Minister For Science And Technology, Government of India, at a Press Conference, said the U.S. Patent made him realize that all traditional practices from Indian systems of medicine have a strong scientific base.
Recently cow urine was granted patent in China for protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages. The patent no. is 100475221.
Cow urine distillate in a specific amount is scientifically proven to enhance the antimicrobial effects of antibiotic and antifungal agents. US patent no. 6410059 was granted to Indian scientists for the invention on June 25, 2002.
The invention relates to a novel use of cow urine as an activity enhancer and availability facilitator for bioactive molecules, including anti-infective agents. The invention has direct implication in drastically reducing the dosage of antibiotics, drugs and anti-infective agents while increasing the efficiency of absorption of bioactive molecules. This will reduce the cost of treatment and also the side-effects due to toxicity.
Just like when I was walking near the cowshed, heaps of, piles of cow dung was there. So I was explaining to my followers that if such heaps of animal, I mean to say, man stool was heaped up here, nobody would come here. Nobody would come here. But the cow dung, there are so much heaps of cow dung, still, we find it pleasure to go through it. And in the Vedas it is said, “Cow dung is pure.” This is called sastra. |
Cow Urine In Modern Medicine
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR ) in India has developed drugs using cow urine for the treatment of asthma and blood clots. Institute of Microbial Technology (Chandigarh, India) has come out with streptokinase, which is a blood-clot dissolver and plays an important role in heart diseases and brain ailments. The poly-herbal formulation developed by Indian institute of Chemical Biology (Kolkata) that cures asthma contains cow urine. A Pharmaceutical composition by the same institute, comprising an antibiotic and cow urine distillate in certain amount is said to enhance the antimicrobial effect of an antibiotic. Cow urine therapy is set to open doors for treating a wide range of dreaded diseases.